Amazon Mechanical Turk
Friday, October 31, 2008
w000t. We actually made $3.26 in one day on this thing. Ok that's not really a lot, but all we did was click on a few things and answered some quick surveys. Maybe spent a total of a couple of hours. You have to wait for your work to get approved though.. But hey, we got paid. Something to do if you got a bit of time to spare and you wanna make a quick buck.
They pay you to do HITS (human intelligence tasks), like writing reviews, labeling images, quick surveys, transcriptions, things that require a human. 0_0 And the pay ranges from good $10 per hit to $0.01 per hit. That cent can go a long way if you got the time in your hands.
You can convert the cash you get for Amazon cash certificates you can use to buy stuff on amazon. Or if you got a US bank account, actually withdraw your cash.
For more info, check out the site here.